Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Year Later

So we are here.  We made it.  We made it to a year!  November last year swallowed me up, changed my life forever, and it didn't want to let me go.  I have spent a year holding onto all of it.  The good, the bad, everything.  When I entered the GMA makeover contest, I did so during a week that brought with it a feeling of pending doom.  A heavy feeling from things like the time changing, the cold weather, the sun setting so early.  All of these things happened just as Josh had driven himself to the emergency room last year.  It's wild how certain feelings can be brought up from just a change in the temperature outside or the lack of sunshine.  I'm not kidding when I say all that happened was the hardest that I've ever been through. 

When one of the GMA producers called me and told me I was one of 12 finalists and was being considered to win this contest, it couldn't have happened at a more perfect time.  It happened just as that heavy feeling was taking over.  It happened when we all had in the back of our minds (and the front!) all that played out last year.  One of the best things that came out of this for me was the ability to focus on something for the future as opposed to concentrating on how things were.  For some reason the whole experience has given me this clear head to focus on the now and the future.  We made it to the one year mark, Josh is as healthy as he can get, we've made the lifestyle changes, there isn't any reason anymore to wallow in what was.

It also turned into a week full of signs and goodness.  I don't consider myself superstitious, but I do notice repetition of certain things that happen or things in nature that just make us feel better.  For me, I've ALWAYS had ladybugs come to me at certain important moments.  ALWAYS.  Well, on Sunday (Josh's actual surgery anniversary day and the day the film crew came over).  I was sitting with my friend out on the back patio and before I knew it a little black ladybug with two red spots landed in front of me.  I have always wanted to find a black one, but never have!  She got on my hand for a while and then I tried to get her on the basil plant and she was one in an instant.  I haven't seen another nor have I seen any ladybugs since.  She was magical!  I have had two different people at two different starbucks locations this past week buy our drinks in the drive through.  I also bought a couple of lotto tickets today and won $100 on a $1 (I rarely ever get scratch offs and when I do I only win a dollar here and there).  Everything that could have gone right this week, has.  A motivational gift in a way.  There is always more to things than they seem-I don't have any question about that.  I just go with it and never doubt that we are blessed.

Friday, November 15, 2013

A Whirlwind Week!

My apologies for being the worst blogger ever.  With a two year old, the energy is such in this house that sitting at a computer to type out posts just doesn't happen anymore!  I have to keep her mind growing and her energy burning.

So during one of Matilda's naps (I guess over a week ago) I was on facebook and saw that Good Morning America had posted a contest called an Instaglam Makeover.  How much fun would a makeover be?  I've never even had my makeup done at the mall!  So on a whim I entered it, never expecting to actually win a makeover.

Last Wednesday a producer with ABC & Good Morning America called me about the contest and asked me questions.  They wanted to know all about Josh and I and Matilda.  They wanted to know about what had happened to Josh and how we dealt with that.  They wanted to know all about Matilda and the things we do.  I thought it was amazing to even get a call back!  We talked each day last week.  She told me that there were 12 other finalists and that the lucky winner gets bombarded one morning with a makeover at their home.  I loved all my friends had some amazing comments and questions about this.  Like, "Do you have to stay home every single day, just in case???"  "OMG, so this means you are going to have to keep your house spotless for months, you know, just in case!"  They wanted to know if you really get a heads up and it's pretend.  How does this all happen???

On Sunday we had a film crew come video and interview Josh, one of my good friends Jessica, and I.  THAT was such a fun experience.  I've never done anything like it.  They spent a good part of the day with us.  They wanted to hear our stories, they wanted to see our lives.

Then yesterday happened.  Matilda got up early and so did Mitzu.  Well since it was so cold out, Josh offered to take Mitzu outside (which was nice, but weird because he never does that!).  Little did I know, there was a film crew, full hair, makeup, wardrobe crew, producers, and anyone needed to pull off something like this.  Also,  Josh's medical team from The Heart Hospital were there,  our local High School's marching band and cheerleaders. Family, neighbors, close friends.

Josh made pancakes and we were hanging out watching The Gruffalo and the doorbell rang.  REALLY EARLY IN THE MORNING.  So I answered it in my pajamas.  There were cameras and people ready to go to make me over! It was a huge surprise.  I really didn't think I had won this!  An entire crew came in, shuffled my furniture, set up cameras, and then got to work.  It was so nice to just sit and have my hair and makeup done and have a pretty outfit picked out for me.  It was amazing to just sit there and not have to do a thing.  I am so appreciative of that time!

After the makeover part was finished I had to reveal my new look.  They had a carpet set up in our front yard!  Everyone was out front clapping and cheering.  The new look was amazing and so fun, but what meant the most was just having everyone out there.  I LOVED seeing Josh's medical team, our family, neighbors, community, the band, cheerleaders.  The craziest thing was knowing good friends, coworkers, family all over the country was with us watching, and celebrating.  This time this year compared to last was so different but to again have friends and family AND strangers rooting for us felt really special.  What a gift!

 I feel like this time of year, because of what happened to us last year, should always be celebratory.  I am so so so happy we got to celebrate with all of you.  Thank you!

I will try to collect some of the video and photos for you all to see---

If you check Good Morning America's Instagram, they have so many posts about it!

(I will try to add more later)  Thank you all again!!!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

I'm seriously the worst blogger ever!  The Fall has come to North Texas.  We dipped into the 50s during the day this weekend (back into the 80s this week!).  The cooler weather has brought more activities than just our normal swimming and storytime.  I'm brainstorming more indoor learning activities for me to pursue with Matilda.  We are ready for some amazing holidays----Matilda is really going to remember everything this year!

So we are here at the beginning of October.  We are almost exactly a month out from Josh's one year anniversary of heart surgery.  ONE YEAR.  Mom is at her 1 year of her Breast Cancer surgery anniversary too.  It was a busy year last year-----we are thankful to still have our loved ones!

October is Breast Cancer awareness month----please stop by my Etsy shop----I have many pink ribbon notecards for sale!!!

Thanks for stopping by----I promise to be more active here!  Thank you

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Waiting for Gertrude

Every year our glorious Elf on a Shelf, Gertrude, comes for a visit.  Last year, she had major heart surgery (like Josh did), so she stayed at the North Pole to heal and get ready for this year.  We are prepping for her arrival this year by finding special little treats for her---like this Elf Dust!! We are so excited for her to arrive at our house.  Just a few months to go!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Country Life

Some of the best things about living in the country are hearing the same owl in your neighborhood every single day and finding a beautiful new praying mantis on your door.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Quiet Country Mornings Aren't So Quiet

I'm just minding my own business folding some clothes and I heard a crash sound.  Loud enough to make Mitzu's ears perk up.  I couldn't find anything that would have caused this sound.  I searched the entire house (I actually had this happen to me about a month and a half ago at 2 am when Matilda had woken up and I was changing her diaper.  I never found the source).  So about 45 minutes after the crash sound Mitzu started barking.  I figured she saw Josh and Matilda drive up the driveway.  When I went in the living room, she wasn't looking at the front door, she was looking at one of the front windows.  I went over to the window to see what she was barking at and there on our bench was a hawk!  I ran and grabbed my phone and snapped a couple shots of him.  Then I went outside to check on him and make sure he wasn't sick.  This was midday and right up against the house.  I also didn't know if he had possibly been the source of the crash sound (maybe chasing something and ran into one of our windows?).  He could have been disoriented or something.  I went out and he flew on the roof and then flew away.  Josh thinks he was probably after some of the many barn swallows we've had nesting at the house this year.  I'm not sure.  Either way, it was a really cool experience to get to see one, in the wild, so close I could touch him!

After reading a little more on the symbolism of a hawk, it seems he is described as a messenger.  He indicates that we may be awakening to what our main purpose here may be.  I read that it is important to pay attention to things around you.  It's important to see things from a higher perspective. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Music of the Day...

What's playing in our house this weekend?  The Neighborhood "I Love You" album.  It is amazing.  The entire thing is just great.  Also, Aaron Lewis "The Road" album.  I didn't realize that Aaron Lewis had turned country.  His voice + guitar is perfect, so I can see country being a good fit.  Love this album too.

Our weekend indulgence : donuts.  Matilda and I just *needed* some extra sugar today.  They were really good.  We don't eat like this often anymore (I couldn't tell you the last time I had a fast food besides Subway, which is a good thing).

Stay tuned for more things from our country life.  Is there anything y'all would like to know or see in photos?

Friday, July 12, 2013

Country Life

You know---just some scorpion killin' and some cattle watchin' today.

Oh and the second round of our porch baby birds are ready to fly.  While cute and everything there is bird poop all over our porch.  It's repulsive and I can't wait to power wash out there !

8 Months Out

Worst blogger ever these past few months.  Josh is 8 months out from his bypass and is doing amazing.  He has dropped so much weight (exercise + dietary changes).  His energy is through the roof.  I think that the lack of energy and weight gain were the two huge warning signs that we ignored.  Looking back, his GP Dr. shouldn't have ignored them either.  After surgery he was experiencing pain that felt like a rib rubbing on his lung.  He got an OK (and a "welllllll I wouldn't go to one but...") and saw a chiropractor.  It turns out that he had a couple of ribs that were out of place and the chiropractor promptly popped them back.  I will be the first to say that I've never been to one or needed one or really believed in them, but in Josh's case it was just what he needed.  While he will still get healing pains, his back discomfort seriously got better after that visit.

Here he is with Matilda.  Seriously, how great is this?

I can't stress enough how blessed we are.  How blessed that Josh took the initiative to get himself to the hospital instead of ignoring serious symptoms.  Had he not, Matilda and I probably would have found him. 

Please stay tuned.  I will be here more and will be sharing more things from country life.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Low Sodium Chicken and Dumplings

Seriously, if you can make Chicken and Dumplings low sodium, it should be a piece of cake to make your entire lifestyle low sodium!  Josh has this great cookbook, 500 Low Sodium Recipes By Dick Logue. This book has a really good selection of things we love to eat, minus the salt content. Yesterday, we slow cooked a chicken just with water, some herbs (you can use whichever ones you want!), and some large carrots. So yesterday's meal was some plain (and delicious) mashed potatoes, roasted chicken, and carrots. Today we wanted soup and chicken and dumplings sounded even better! Josh used the homemade stock from yesterday's chicken and the leftover chicken. Here is the recipe (adapted from 500 Low Sodium Recipes):  

1 1/2 cups chicken (cooked and cubed)  
3 cups low sodium chicken broth (we used homemade---but I found really low sodium pre-done stock at Sprouts yesterday for really lazy days!)
3 cups water
1 1/2 cups sliced carrots
4 medium potatoes -peeled and cubed (we skipped these!)
1 onion (Josh added extra onion)
1 Tablespoon white vinegar
1-2 teaspoons Herbs de Provence


2 Cups all purpose flour (I am going to try to find a nice whole grain flour for next time!)
1 Tablespoon sodium-free baking powder (I highly recommend buying this for your baking---so much healthier than regular!)
6 Tablespoons unsalted butter
2/3 cup skim milk


Place chicken, broth, water, and vegetables in a large pan and bring to a boil.  For the dumplings, stir together dry ingredients.  Cut in butter until mixture is crumbly.  Stir in liquid until dough holds together in a ball.  Drop dumplings by the tablespoonfuls.  Reduce heat and simmer uncovered for about 10 minutes.  Cover and simmer for 10 minutes more.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Some Things I've learned

I imagine throughout this blog, I will be doing multiple "things I've learned" posts.  The entire thing has been a learning experience.  I have only ever been the patient in my life, not the spouse of the patient.  Both roles require educating yourself (no matter what the situation is) and reading as much as possible.  Ok.  So what are some of these things I've learned?

  ♥Trust your gut.  This wasn't something I learned----I'm a HUGE trust your gut person.  I think it's something Josh learned.  If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.  Sometimes we forget and blow off certain ways we may feel---DON'T.  It may save your life.

♥You have rights.  As a patient you have rights.  You have the right to choose where you want to be treated and who you want to treat you.  When Josh was in the first hospital, I felt stuck.  I felt like he had brought himself to this ER, so we were "stuck" with the surgeon they "assigned" to us.  We were "stuck" doing his surgery there.  This made me feel extremely uncomfortable.  He was very "doped up" and we both had talked about not having big procedures done at this hospital.  Do your research.  Get treated (or get your loved one treated) where you feel comfortable.  This is ALWAYS an option.  You have hired these people to treat you medically.

♥Maintain a list of all of your medications.  Read about each. Double check dosages from your Dr. to your prescription.  Human error can happen to anyone at anytime.  No one is perfect, and unfortunately sometimes that carries over to our medications and healthcare.  If you have a medication that you are unsure about, you don't like how it makes you feel, you don't like the risks---ASK QUESTIONS.  Find out why you are on it and if there are alternatives.  No one is going to be a bigger advocate for you than yourself.

♥Ask questions.  Yea, I had to say it again.  It is THAT important.  It is your health---there is no reason why you shouldn't know or understand every little inch of what is going on in your body and why.  If your Dr. can't answer what you want to know, ask someone else.  Keep a journal!

I have so many of these "things I've learned".  I'm going to keep the list short in each post about them so that it isn't tedious to read.  I will be adding more in future.