Monday, July 22, 2013

Quiet Country Mornings Aren't So Quiet

I'm just minding my own business folding some clothes and I heard a crash sound.  Loud enough to make Mitzu's ears perk up.  I couldn't find anything that would have caused this sound.  I searched the entire house (I actually had this happen to me about a month and a half ago at 2 am when Matilda had woken up and I was changing her diaper.  I never found the source).  So about 45 minutes after the crash sound Mitzu started barking.  I figured she saw Josh and Matilda drive up the driveway.  When I went in the living room, she wasn't looking at the front door, she was looking at one of the front windows.  I went over to the window to see what she was barking at and there on our bench was a hawk!  I ran and grabbed my phone and snapped a couple shots of him.  Then I went outside to check on him and make sure he wasn't sick.  This was midday and right up against the house.  I also didn't know if he had possibly been the source of the crash sound (maybe chasing something and ran into one of our windows?).  He could have been disoriented or something.  I went out and he flew on the roof and then flew away.  Josh thinks he was probably after some of the many barn swallows we've had nesting at the house this year.  I'm not sure.  Either way, it was a really cool experience to get to see one, in the wild, so close I could touch him!

After reading a little more on the symbolism of a hawk, it seems he is described as a messenger.  He indicates that we may be awakening to what our main purpose here may be.  I read that it is important to pay attention to things around you.  It's important to see things from a higher perspective. 

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